Spring Is Here!

By | 31st March 2016
We’ve finally left the winter behind, so now’s the time to start seriously thinking about giving your house a proper spring clean. There’s nothing like a good sort out after all, so here are a few hints and tips from Fulham domestic cleaning company Easy Cleaning London to help you all out.

Move your furniture

You don’t actually have to do any cleaning or decorating to make your home feel like new. All you need to do is simply move your furniture around and about. There’s certainly no easier way of refreshing your living spaces.

Throw stuff out

Try not to be too sentimental. If you’re not ruthless at least once a year, you’ll find your belongings start to burst out of the seams of your house. Get organised by cleaning out the garage or sorting out the spare room. If one of your rooms has become something of a dumping ground, now’s the time to get it sorted.

Write out a checklist

You’re sure to miss something if you don’t write it down, so come up with a list of everything you want to achieve by the time you’ve finished spring cleaning.

Do one room at a time

You’ll never get it all done if you flit about the house doing bits and pieces here and there. Really resolve to tackle one room at a time and not move on until it’s finished.

Paint job

Don’t underestimate the power of a new coat of paint. Once you’ve done the cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and polishing (and if you’re not too tired), think about going around the house with a paintbrush to make it look like new.

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